Overwhelmed? This Simplifies.

Jan 06, 2020

Every New Year starts with a big question.

(If I am honest, it overwhelms me all through the holidays, so I wake up on January 1st restless, anxious, and looking for answers.)

"How can I have a reinvention breakthrough this year?"

What can I do this year that really matters? 
Truly makes a difference?
Gives my clients, students, team, family, myself what we deeply need - not only want?

This year was no different. 
So, I spent a whole weekend putting together something that can help me - and you! - with this powerful question.
That way we can all have a huge impact.

Behold my 2020 Reinvention Calendar!

The idea is simple: I give you 12 science-based pragmatic no-nonsense reinvention solutions you can turn into a quick strategy session, a simple personal reboot project, or a massive reinvention lab on a whim.

Whether you are an executive searching for that special way to up-level, an employee seeking a doable idea that doesn't require anybody's approval, a consultant eager to bring something amaz...

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THAT'S RIGHT. 86,191.

Dec 31, 2019

It's hard to believe.

But the very last day of 2019 is here.

What a year it has been!!!

86,191+ of you took the leap and decided to up-level your reinvention skills via workshops, talks, reinvention labs and more all over the world. 

Thank you for being the global force that you are!

Amazing courageous pioneering professionals from Slovenia, South Africa, Macedonia, Mexico, Canada, and the US decided to take on the Chief Reinvention Officer title.

Some changed their organizations to make room for this new role. Some just woke up one day and said: this is it, this is the title I give myself.

Either way, it works.

Thank you for showing the rest of us the way forward!

More than 28 countries (yes, we miss you on this image, Macedonia!) over 6 continents became part of our reinvention planet.

Thank you for making this particular way of living and working THE foundational literacy skill of the 21st century!

And now it's time to dream big. As we are entering into the 2020s, what do you want your year to...

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Dec 23, 2019

My dear reinventor, it's time.

The holiday season is here - and it's time to make this time truly meaningful.

But the question is: what does that mean for you?

I have lived on so many continents and with so many cultures that no one way to celebrate (or even one date) seems good enough.

Some of us have already put "away from the office" auto-response for our emails.

Others are still setting up business meetings for the upcoming week.

Some of us have packed tons of presents under a lit tree.

Others choose to keep the house clean and give each other time.

Some love loud parties and make long menu lists.

Others prefer time alone, filled with slow thinking and fragrant tea.

And that, perhaps, is the greatest gift of this season: a choice.

You are free to choose how to make it right for you.

Powerful for you.

Meaningful for you.

You get to let go of holiday traditions that no longer serve you - and protect the ones that give you light.

That is my greatest wish for you.

Happy holidays!

P.S. For those of you ...

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Dec 16, 2019

I shook my head when I saw the calendar the other day. 

“How in the world has it been a year already?! Seems like I was just putting final edits on my new and completely reinvented digital book "Titanic Syndrome: Why Companies Sink and How to Reinvent Your Way Out of Any Business Disaster," then — BAM. We’re celebrating ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY! 🎉🎉🎉

And today, to celebrate this ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY:

1. We are releasing the 5th edition of the book which you can buy along with other editions for just $1 during the next 10 days:

2. We are making it easy for you to buy this book as a gift - with the exact same offer of only $1 during the next 10 days you can buy this book for someone else:

I can't wait to hear your reactions. 

This book is a labor of love of SO many people, and we hope it will give you pragmatic tools and resources to succeed at your next reinvention efforts. 

P.S. Heads up — we a...

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Dec 09, 2019

So often I hear that reinvention is not practical. 

It's just too out there.
We have KPIs to reach - and with reinvention, there is no guarantee of tangible results.
It's a nice-to-have, but not a must-have.
It's just too abstract.

What does it even mean?!?!?

So, let me tell you what it means for me, personally, today.

I am typing these words at 3:34 am on a location with a difficult client.
I just got back to my hotel room from the office.
I want to sleep.
But I am in the middle of an intensely-lit city.
And the sun is coming up soon as well.
What a girl to do?

Introducing my personal reinvention hero:

A coat hanger. Yes. A hanger.

Reinvention is not just a mindset or a skill-set, it's a way of looking at the world and a way of living in this world.

And once you invite reinvention into your life, you discover the beautiful freedom of endless versions of the same item, product, company, community, career.

It may come in a form of a turnaround of a multi-billion dollar client - or in a fresh use of ...

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Dec 02, 2019

Last week, I asked for your help with the naming of one of the mindsets we've been exploring as a global reinvention community - and the wave of responses have been incredibly moving. 

Thank you for all the amazing feedback!

We've got everything from 'conservative' to 'unflexible' to "I've always done it this way" mindset - and a few thoughtful invitations not to demonize that particular way of looking at the world.

Fully agreed.

This week, we start a month-long celebration of the 1-year anniversary of the launch of our living, ever-evolving, crowd-written, community-tested reinvented digital book.

"Titanic Syndrome: Why Companies Sink and How to Reinvent Your Way Out of Any Business Disaster" broke many conventions.

It is filled with tools.
It has a LOT of illustrations (who said pictures are for kids only???).
It is co-created by our global reinvention community.
In just a few weeks we'll release the 5th (!!!) edition of the book in just 12 months.

And while the final touches and edits are bei...

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Nov 25, 2019

I am sure you heard this phrase somewhere.

Perhaps, in a strange-looking yoga magazine.

Perhaps, in a shiny Hollywood movie.

Perhaps, some podcast on spiritual matters or Vudu magic was playing on the background.

But at risk of losing all my academic and sound data-loving-businesswoman credibility, let me use this phrase as well.

Thoughts create reality.

Now that the hard part is out of the way, let me explain what I mean.

(No, no witchcraft spells will be dropped here, it's much more straightforward than that.)

Our thoughts - the fundamental believes we have about something - define how we behave, make decisions, allocate resources.

Take, for example, our thoughts and believes about change.

If you believe that change happens rarely, you will act very differently than if you believe that change is a regular event - just as if you believe that snow happens every 50 years, you will act very differently than if you think it comes every winter. 

If snow (and change!) happen very rarely, there is no n...

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Nov 18, 2019

I am sitting in my dark cozy room in Fontainebleau, France, drinking tea, coughing like crazy (I've been on a road and rather sick), and thinking of you.

Most likely you and I've never met.

Most likely you are one of those amazing people who connected online and decided to stay around.

So, I don't have the luxury of knowing your story, learning from you, seeing you laugh out loud.

Scientists still don't really understand why being connected to others makes such a difference to human beings.

After all, it's a dog eat dog world and survival of the fittest (especially when we do come from different tribes) should make competition - not cooperation - the best biological weapon.

Yet, a 2011 study shoes that positive social relationships awake the neurobiological endogenous opioid system (that stuff in our brains that literally works like opium).

In 2015 researchers discovered that connecting to others prevents heart disease.

And in 2016, scientists carried out a study that suggested levels of pain ...

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Nov 11, 2019

How is your week going so far?

For me, it's a busy flying-through-3-countries kind of week, filled with speaking, facilitating, and consulting.

But wherever I turn lately, wherever I speak on reinvention, or work with a company on their turn-around, I get the same question...

"How do we deal | combat | prevent | address | handle resistance to change?"

There is no one answer to this question - there are many custom-made answers for many different reasons why people resist change.

So, the first thing to do is to assess why people resist change in the first place - in your company or at your client organization.

Last week we ran a short poll on our social media channels asking people what's the number #1 reason people resist change in their companies.

We gave 5 options:

1. The risk of change is seen as greater than the risk of standing still

2. People feel overloaded and overwhelmed

3. People fear they lack the competence to change - or to survive in new reality after the change is ...

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Nov 05, 2019

Picture this.

It's 1947, and in the small town of Marion, Virginia at the Harwood Manufacturing Corporation' pajama factory, a bit of magic is taking place.

All workers are divided into 4 very similar groups and are asked to change the way they do things.

The changes are minor - for example (and yes, this is a real case), folding pajamas into a box, rather than on top of a flat piece of cardboard.

Yet, Group One becomes extremely aggressive towards management, sees 17% quits in the first 40 days, while productivity drops immediately to about two-thirds of its historic output rate - staying at the new low level for 30 days after the change is introduced. 

Group Two loses the productivity a bit right after the change is made - but then quickly recovers. There're no quits in the first 40 days and only one act of aggression against the supervisors. 

But the real miracle takes place in Groups Three and Four.

"After a slight drop on the first day of change, the efficiency ratings returned t...

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