How is your week going so far?
For me, it's a busy flying-through-3-countries kind of week, filled with speaking, facilitating, and consulting.
But wherever I turn lately, wherever I speak on reinvention, or work with a company on their turn-around, I get the same question...
"How do we deal | combat | prevent | address | handle resistance to change?"
There is no one answer to this question - there are many custom-made answers for many different reasons why people resist change.
So, the first thing to do is to assess why people resist change in the first place - in your company or at your client organization.
Last week we ran a short poll on our social media channels asking people what's the number #1 reason people resist change in their companies.
We gave 5 options:
1. The risk of change is seen as greater than the risk of standing still
2. People feel overloaded and overwhelmed
3. People fear they lack the competence to change - or to survive in new reality after the change is completed
4. People have no role models for the new activity/reality/way of doing things
5. People have a healthy skepticism and want to be sure new ideas are reasonable and have been well-thought through
Each one of these (and other) reasons require a different solution.
Can you guess what was voted as #1?
Tiredness. People are overloaded, overwhelmed, and are suffering from serious bouts of change fatigue.
Heck, if I am honest, I too resist change most of the time not because I don't see the need in it - but because I simply have no energy for yet another push.
So, the solution for this type of resistance is not in preparing better analysis, better presentations, or better communications.
The only way to deal with this specific issue is to bring the energy level up - for yourself and others.
SO, to help you with this challenge, I have 2 solutions.
First, watch our newest video on 3 pragmatic ways to bring the energy up in yourself, your team, or for your clients:
Second, grab a one-page energy tracker from our latest (of course, free) 6-week energy challenge that is super easy, super tangible, and super fun:
We decided to run this challenge because it's personal.
Only a few years ago I would routinely take my own energy level - and that of my team and clients - for granted.
Until I started fainting on a job.
I literally dropped unconscious on top of the pile of documents in my hotel room.
That is NOT acceptable.
So, I invite you to tackle this particular change challenge before anybody else drops unconscious - by participating in the challenge and bringing your team or your clients (or your family) along.
Reinvention requires energy.
Time to treat this resource the way we treat any other - by investing in it.
Watch the video, join the challenge, and drop me a note saying "I am in."
Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva helps companies such as Coca-Cola, Kohler, and IBM turn change and disruption into an opportunity.
If you like the article and want to get more pragmatic insights and how-tos on resistance to change, join us at our upcoming free | live | online Reinvention Happy Hour. Secure your spot here>>
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