Every New Year starts with a big question.
(If I am honest, it overwhelms me all through the holidays, so I wake up on January 1st restless, anxious, and looking for answers.)
"How can I have a reinvention breakthrough this year?"
What can I do this year that really matters?
Truly makes a difference?
Gives my clients, students, team, family, myself what we deeply need - not only want?
This year was no different.
So, I spent a whole weekend putting together something that can help me - and you! - with this powerful question.
That way we can all have a huge impact.
Behold my 2020 Reinvention Calendar!
The idea is simple: I give you 12 science-based pragmatic no-nonsense reinvention solutions you can turn into a quick strategy session, a simple personal reboot project, or a massive reinvention lab on a whim.
Whether you are an executive searching for that special way to up-level, an employee seeking a doable idea that...
50% Complete
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