Nov 18, 2019

I am sitting in my dark cozy room in Fontainebleau, France, drinking tea, coughing like crazy (I've been on a road and rather sick), and thinking of you.

Most likely you and I've never met.

Most likely you are one of those amazing people who connected online and decided to stay around.

So, I don't have the luxury of knowing your story, learning from you, seeing you laugh out loud.

Scientists still don't really understand why being connected to others makes such a difference to human beings.

After all, it's a dog eat dog world and survival of the fittest (especially when we do come from different tribes) should make competition - not cooperation - the best biological weapon.

Yet, a 2011 study shoes that positive social relationships awake the neurobiological endogenous opioid system (that stuff in our brains that literally works like opium).

In 2015 researchers discovered that connecting to others prevents heart...

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