No matter where you are right now and how the new COVID-19 reality looks like for you, I am sending you my warmest wishes.
This is not a sprint - this transformation we are all experiencing is a marathon.
So, my big hope is that you're taking care of yourself and your community - and giving yourself permission to grieve, to appreciate, to discover (and to occasionally skip some of those Zoom-Skype-WhatsApp-Hangout meetings that seem to multiply at the exponential rate)!
Here, in the reinvention-land, things have been incredibly busy.
We've run a 2-week free Reinvention Summit, organized a 2-day reinvention bootcamp for 200+ entrepreneurs in crisis, and provided countless hours of coaching for companies in need.
We are still producing the videos and putting together resources from the Summit for all of you to use (no email or login needed) - most of the talks are now ready for you to watch here>>
But to make your life easier (as there are hours of video footage!), today I want to share 3 i...
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