What Gives You Hope Today?

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2020

We are a rather international community and often go through very different challenges and face different realities. But today, more than ever, I am reminded of the many philosophers who tell us that there is no "there," only here, and there are no "others," only us.

On Sunday my fellow Kazakhstani spent a day remembering everyone who got killed by the Soviet government - 40% of Kazakh population along with millions of people of every nationality. In the evening, as we reflected around the table on the strengths of our great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents who managed to find a reason to keep pushing even when nothing around gave them that reason, I felt hope.

On Monday I saw that Forbes published an article on reinventing the very essence of economics. Much of the pain our world is experiencing right now comes from the fundamental inequality that is built into many of our theories - economics being the first one. A new effort to fix that is here, and it is led by powerful women scholarship. That is hope.

On Tuesday we went to a peaceful student-led protest for justice and equality with our 16-year-old daughter. As I stood there, watching our fragile yet powerful teenagers of every race sitting and standing at a safe distance because of a world pandemic, masks on, with their fist up in the air, I locked eyes with a black woman in a passing car filled with young kids. She clearly brought them to show, to help those little ones see that they matter. Truly matter. They kept waving. We kept waving. She kept crying. That was hope.

Wherever you are today, I hope there are things that give you hope. Share.


Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva helps companies such as Coca-Cola, Kohler, and IBM turn change and disruption into an opportunity

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