"The Chief Reinvention Officer Handbook: How to Thrive in Chaos" is finally here!!!

This book has been a labor of love of more than 3,000 people - and today I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who tested the tools, participated in the research, debated the wording, and made this book a true transformative experience we all need right now.
My dear Reinvention Tribe, THANK YOU. Your rock!
So, how do we celebrate? How do we share these ideas with the world? How do we make a real difference?
From the beginning, we agreed: this is so much more than a book.
Chief Reinvention Officer is a mindset, a method, and a movement.
2020 has proven to all of us how much this movement is needed in the world filled with volatility, uncertainty, and constant crisis.
We don't know what 2021 will bring. One thing, however, is certain: disruption is here to stay.
Imagine what our world can do if we enter 2021 with 100,000 people ready and able to face any crisis - and turn it into a resource?!
That is a real-world super-power - and we call it REINVENTION.
To bring this power to the world, today we are launching the 100K Reinvention Challenge:

WHAT: 100K Reinvention Challenge
WHY: Introducing free basic reinvention skills to 100,000 people worldwide - so that they weather any storm and ride the waves of change, rather than be crushed by them
WHO: Anyone who is ready to donate an hour of teaching time is invited to participate
HOW: Participating is as easy as ABCD
A. Enroll in the challenge;
B. Get free basic training reinvention: We'll provide 85 pages of text + free video training + support in organizing your own lecture/presentation/dinner chat on reinvention;
C. Share what you learned with others in a formal or informal format - everyone you engage for at least 1 hour counts towards our 100,000 goal and we have an easy system to see if we all reach it!
D. Share insights, photos, results of your efforts so that we can celebrate you and your impact.
SO WHAT: 2020 by far has been the year of turbulence and uncertainty. Let's not waste a good crisis - and use it as a way to make our organizations, communities, families better at dealing with change and turning disruption into an opportunity. You will have detailed step-by-step instruction after you enroll - and we provide you with every support we can possibly imagine.
JOIN us - sign up today>>>
Send you a huge hug and a thank you. 100,000 people by the end of 2020. We can do it. Ready?
Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva helps companies such as Coca-Cola, Kohler, and IBM turn change and disruption into an opportunity.
Nadya's new book came out October 27th. It is completely sold out but if you order now, you may have time to get an incredible gift for Christmas. Order "The Chief Reinvention Officer Handbook: How to Thrive in Chaos" here>>>
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