Life, Cancer, Death.

Uncategorized May 28, 2020


Today feels particularly heavy.

Here, in the US, COVID-19 deaths have surpassed 100,000 mark - all while we are trying to make sense of horrific deaths due to police brutality and racial profiling.

Around the world, questions about the future of humanity continue to emerge with great debates about reinventions of the economy, ecology, society - and at the same time the feeling that we'll waste yet another crisis keeps showing up.

So, as I had a particularly tense morning, my daughter reminded me of my own words delivered 2 years ago at a college graduation ceremony.

"Mom, you shared how much you and our entire family went through in just a few years. Life, cancer, suicide. Change is coming, mom. But you are ready."

So, today I want to share with you (and re-watch myself) those 16 minutes.

Perhaps, they will help me and you get ready to face tomorrow:


Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva helps companies such as Coca-Cola, Kohler, and IBM turn change and disruption into an opportunity

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