How Do We Build Resilience and Face What's Ahead

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2020

July is in full swing, 2020 keeps bringing more and more surprises, and chances are you or some of your team members are running low on energy.

This is absolutely normal.

We are in the middle of a marathon - not sprint - a remarkably complex period of massive change. We don't know exactly what will unfold next, but we know that COVID-19 has started a chain reaction that will impact many aspects of our lives.

How do we survive - and even thrive?
How do we learn to live in chaos?
How do we build resilience?

To answer these questions, together with UNDP and the Sustainable Development Goals initiative, we've organized an hour-long free training session:

Key lessons for this session include:

  1. Don’t be quick to blame external factors if your business is struggling – data shows that almost 90% of factors contributing to businesses’ demise were within management control.

  2. Change is not a one-time project. Change is here to stay - so build businesses that are ever-evolving.

  3. If you are not reinventing your business and your career every couple of years, you will be out of business soon enough.

  4. Build systems for trend watching & anticipating change. The better you get at that, the quicker you will be able to reinvent your business.

  5. The real measure of reinvention is “thrive-ability.” Identify where new life is sprouting in your business to focus your efforts. Also, identify if parts of your business need amputation to allow your business to flourish.

Ready for more? Watch now.

P.S. My last week's article, titled "This Has to Stop" got SO many responses that it clearly struck a chord. Thank you so so much saying yes to my invitation to stop glorifying overwork. We need to hold each other accountable on this one - to allow each other recovery and rest. Then we can take on anything life throws our way. Thank you.


Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva helps companies such as Coca-Cola, Kohler, and IBM turn change and disruption into an opportunity.

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