From Black Swans to Burning Phoenix ๐ŸŒŸ

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2020


Last Wednesday, in the middle of a canceled flight, I got an idea to host a free virtual pop-up REINVENTION SUMMIT.

This week we are about to start Day 3 - and finalizing Week 2.

We opened up with an idea that COVID-19 is another reminder that "black swans" - a metaphor used to describe rare and improbable disruptions - are everywhere, showing up in flocks:

We also explored a pragmatic exercise you can do TODAY to coach your team, your clients, or your kids how to use fear as a productive resource - and you can watch the video and download the worksheet (no email needed) here>>

My dear friend and change extraordinaire Dr. Lindsey Godwin spent time with us diving deep into the power of Appreciative Inquiry to survive and thrive in crisis:

You can watch that inspiring talk here>>

Aidan McCullen shared a story of a burning phoenix as a symbol of constant reinvention - his talk will be available soon. 

The amazing tribe from Australia, Nepal, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria, UK, Denmark, France, Russia, Canada, Mexico, USA, South Africa, Kazakhstan, and many other countries shared their fear and their hopes for live with - and after COVID-19. 

We managed to smile - a lot!

We also lined up amazing speakers for the following week - and would love fo you and your team to join.

There is something special that happens when hundreds of people from every corner of the world who are forced into physical distance end up deeply connecting and uniting as one.

Here is a link to join us>>>

Stay home and stay safe, my dear all. If there was one moment the world truly needed reinvention, it's now.



Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva helps companies such as Coca-Cola, Kohler, and IBM turn change and disruption into an opportunity.

Want to join this amazing reinvention community? Grab one of our free resources and you are in:


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